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Tech Treasure Hunt '25

brought to you by AS&H, PCCOE

The path is hidden, the clues are set-only the sharpest minds will find the treasure yet!

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Limited Spots Available₹100 - Non PCCOEians

Tech Treasure Hunt '25

Join our thrilling Tech Treasure Hunt event as part of Spectrum 2025! Solve clues, face challenges, and showcase your problem-solving skills to emerge victorious.

Event Format

3 Challenging Rounds

Prizes & Rewards

Cash Prizes, Medals, and Certificates

It's on us!
Non PCCOEians
Register Now!

Competition Format

Get ready to test your teamwork, problem-solving, and strategic thinking skills!

Rules of Tech Treasure Hunt

Total 3 rounds

Event Rules


Maximum Participants: Team Size: 4 members per team


Participants must be registered attendees of the Spectrum 2025 Event.


Use of personal gadgets is strictly prohibited unless specified during a round.


Teams must solve clues and challenges in sequence to progress.


Misconduct or breach of rules may lead to immediate disqualification.


Use of electronic device and printed material is not allowed.


Examiner decision will be final.


Teams participating in the competition must not collaborate, share information, or exchange clues with other teams. Any team found leaking or receiving clues from another team will face immediate disqualification.


Teams will be evaluated based on Speed: The team that completes the treasure hunt first wins.


Teams will be evaluated based on Accuracy: Points will be awarded for solving clues correctly.


Teams will be evaluated based on Bonus Challenges: Additional points may be awarded for completing optional tasks.

Open Source Project

We have made this project open source and available on GitHub. Feel free to contribute!

Don't forget to star us on GitHub!

Built by Our Team

Kartik Kulloi
Mayank Kadam
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